LOGO REDESIGN of annual subscription program for https://anothermotherrunner.com/many-happy-miles-2024/
2023 "logo" for Another Mother Runner's fall training subscription program
Excavation and construction company logo
Logo and business card for Auto Transport company, 2018.
2019. Research group at Southern Utah University
Logo for training program in 2020. Many Happy Miles.
2020. Yoga instructor combining yoga with functional core stregth moves with innovation and fun
Logo for exclusive trip for Nu Skin top executives, 2013.
2019-2020. Monthly subscription training program for Another Mother Runner.
Custom illustrated icons (and layout) for Train Like A Mother Club's seasonal nutrition program. 2020.
custom icons/illustrations for Train Like A Mother Club's nutrition programs. 2019.
Tank design for Another Mother Runner. 2017
Achievement badges for Simply Nourished Nutrition, Colorado. 2019.
2016. Local summer fundraiser.
Concepts for children's gymnastics club.
Team badges for a friendly competition amongst Another Mother Runner's Many Happy Milers. 2019,